Sunday, August 5, 2018

Budget Express

One thing I've learned from working at a grocery is that big huge trucks deliver stuff, and often the trucks are delivering to several stores so sometimes stuff gets mixed up and a store receives something it doesn't even sell. Instead of going through the hassle of sending it back they just mark it at a crazy cheap price to get it out of the store. This apparently happened with these two pound slabs of tofu. I really scored, look at this tofu, it's super pressed and organic! I bet the texture will be amazing!

Last night I had one of my favorite easy, healthy and cheap meals. I roasted some gold potatoes with turmeric, garlic powder and salt and pepper and topped them with buffalo white beans and drizzled the whole thing with Just Ranch. If I owned a restaurant this would definitely be on the menu. It's so simple and delicious! The hot sauce from the beans and the ranch lind of soak into the potatoes and it's just really satisfying for little money!


  1. That is such an amazing bargain! I know you'll find really creative ways to use it and you definitely can't beat that price! That dinner looks incredible! I would definitely order that off of your restaurant menu! ;D

  2. What an awesome tofu find!! I have actually never seen such a big package of tofu for sale- maybe it was meant for a restaurant? I actually just made myself tofu veggie scramble this morning for the first time in a long while, with lots of mushrooms. Good stuff.
    Your potato love is unwavering! You could seriously write the book of “1001 vegan potato meals” ;))

    1. I thought it might be for a restaurant too because yeah,, I've never seen two pound packages like that. And it's all super pressed and everything. Yum I haven't ha tofu scramble in so long!
      I do love my potatoes!

  3. That is such an awesome score on the tofu! You always find the most amazing things on sale.

  4. OMG - I'm so jealous of that tofu!! What a deal! Did you just get that one block or were there more?

    Curious - do you make your beans from scratch? My history with bean making is very checkered. Just this weekend, I attempted to make cannellini beans from dry. Ended up soaking them for two whole days (possibly my first mistake?) because I got busy with things and couldn't get to them. When I finally cooked them (on very low for about 45-60 mins), they crumbled to bits. One minute they were too hard and the next thing I knew, they were mush. They ended up as white bean hummus.

    Only very rarely am I able to make good beans from dry. I have a pantry full of jars of dried beans (purchased with the noblest intentions) going to waste because I'm so afraid I'm going to ruin them.

    Any tips?

    1. I only got one package. And I'm kicking myself for not getting more.
      I almost always cook my beans from dry. I try to remember to soak them but sometimes I forget. I find that pinto, black and white beans take the least amount of time to cook. Usually less than an hour if even they haven't been soaked.
      White beans do turn to mush very easily. Although I've soaked beans for two days and not had a problem.
      Try making black or pinto beans first. They never give me any problem. Black beans even cook in an hour or under if they're not soaked!

  5. Sometimes things like that would happen at the restaurant we worked at. We once got a shipment of a coffee flavored soymilk and made a coffee protein shake with it. But that's an awesome price! I hope the tofu tasted great


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