Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Ranting and Rolling

I'm sorry for my absence lately. As I mentioned in my last post I got a new job at a grocery store and unfortunately my shifts have been night shifts and I am not a night person. I've been getting off work at midnight, and I have to walk home since the bus doesn't run that late, and I have about a twenty to thirty minute walk. Unfortunately I don't make enough money to take a cab or Uber or Lyft home every night. Not sure what I'm going to do in the winter. So I've been going to sleep around the time I usually wake up. So I am all out of sorts. In addition I've been dealing with some serious depression because I loathe my job. I have always had jobs where I'm on my feet, but standing in one spot cashiering hurts my back so bad. I've never had back problems, but every day about halfway through my shift my back hurts so bad I almost cry. Like I can't even bend down without feeling like I'm stuck. I have to do several downward facing dogs and cat and cow poses when I come home. I'm just really unhappy. So hopefully I will get used to this schedule and be able to have a somewhat normal life again. I'm just tired, worn down and very depressed.
Food wise I've been eating very boring meals. When I get home the last thing I'm thinking about is cooking. I've been eating lots of plain baked tofu dipped in some sort of sauce. The company doesn't give you a paid lunch break, so if you want to take a lunch you have to punch out for thirty minutes, and that takes away two and a half hours from your pay a week, and when you aren't making a lot that is not affordable. So I get two ten minute breaks and I don't like cramming food down in a rush and then having to go back to standing on your feet and dealing with people. Also, this grocery store sells a lot of meat, so I'm unfortunately touching all kinds of packages of dead flesh and it makes me not hungry and very sad.
I have a few food and kitty pictures I wanted to share, but blogger is being weird and not letting me post them. So I guess this is just a catch up/ rant post. Please bear with me, I promise to be back to however normal I was soon. I just have to get used to being up at night.
Hopefully my next post will be full of delicious vegan food and all the kitties!


  1. I hope things improve for you soon. Hang in there!! I love reading your blog and hope you are feeling better soon! :)

  2. Chin up, my friend! I know it's easier said than done but I know you can do it! You've done it before and you'll do it again because you - are - AWESOME! Hugs!!!

  3. I am so sorry that things are so difficult right now but I agree with Jennifer, I know that you can do it! You are a very strong woman and you'll adjust and it will get better. The job may not be ideal in the moment but hopefully there will be an opportunity to change shifts in the future or something better will come along. You are amazing and you've got this!

    1. Thank you. I am really really hoping that some day shifts open up, or I find something better.

  4. Dude...I had a bad feeling that job was taking it out of you. Hang in there. Try to look at those long walks as good exercise and cuddle those girls hard when you get home. All your friends and followers in cyberland are pulling for you!

    1. Thank you. I need all the pulling I can get!! I am super happy to see my girls when I get home!

  5. Oh man, so sorry to hear the new job isn't working out. It sounds super tough — I'd be a mess without a lunch break! I hope you're able to find something else (where you're treated much better!!) soon.

    1. Thank you I hope so too. It's so hard to go without a meal break and be super polite to people!!

  6. So sorry about your job situation. I am glad that you have a job. Hang in there and be the best you can be, so that they see that you can do it. I will add you and this situation to my prayer list. God does care for you- I Peter 5:7 Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you. I know this for a fact, or I wouldn't tell you this. I am also pulling for you.

    1. Thank you so much. I definitely need all the pulling I can get!

  7. *****HUGS******
    That is a very late finish, is it safe to walk home? Hopefully something new will present itself soon. <3 <3 <3

    1. So far it's felt safe enough walking home, but it's still nerve racking. Especially when I'm walking home at midnight.

  8. Ugh, that really sucks about the new job; I'm hoping things get better soon & thinking good thoughts for you! <3

    1. Thank you so much, I definitely need all the good thoughts I can get!

  9. Sorry your new job stinks. I hope you can get use to the hours and hopefully you can work other parts of the store. I use to walk 20 minutes to my work, have you thought about trying seeing if you can stream audiobooks from your library on your phone? (hint- they might use overdrive or libby) Or try downloading podcasts? It really helps pass the time.


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