Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Homeward Bound

Here's Ivy having fun with a chew toy. She was laying on her back with it in her mouth and one ear flopped and it was so cute! But I've learned dogs are harder than cats to get them to stay in a pose. Their mom comes home this morning, and while I have had so much fun with them, I am ready to live full time at my apartment again. My girls miss me, I miss them and man is my apartment a mess! I've barely been there! I guess it's because I've been dropping stuff off and not putting it away, and when I'm actually home I take the time to put things away.
I also start yet another new job today! The other job didn't work out. What the job described in the ad versus what the job actually required were two very different things. And the ad promised benefits which was a lie. Even though it was full time. But somehow the little mom and pop places get away with having full time employees and offering no benefits. I've dealt with it my whole life. Anyway, I applied at a grocery store near Daisy and Ivy's home and I got hired and start today! It's obviously not my dream, but I can handle it without wanting to get blackout drunk every night to deal with my misery and that's what matters most to me. So once again wish me luck!
I've mentioned a million times that I don't buy packaged hummus because A) it's so pricey, and so cheap and quick to make yourself, and B) my apartment doesn't have a recycling bin so I try to stay away from plastic tubs as much as possible. But, I use these containers for food for the stray kitties, and Trader Joe's sriracha hummus is soooooo good, and it's a steal at $1.99 a package.  It might sound weird, but I love hummus with rice. So, I baked some tofu with teriyaki sauce and served it with rice and a dollop of the hummus. Drizzled with sriracha of course. This was so delicious and hit that sweet spot!
I'm off to take the girls for a walk in the rain. Today is cool and rainy, it's giving me Seattle vibes. Days like this always remind me of Seattle and make me feel homesick. Anyway, off to walk these girls and then back home to clean my apartment and spend some quality time with my girls!
Happy Tuesday!


  1. I'm also a fan of hummus and rice!!!! Yummers!

    1. It's so good! I'm glad I'm not the only weirdo! LoL!

  2. Sorry to hear about the other job being so misleading, and good luck with your new one! I've never tried hummus & rice together, but it sounds like a fun combo! :)

  3. Good luck in your new job! Ugh, I remember your posts about your job back in Erie. I couldn't put up with the people you had to deal with. Give me animals any day....

  4. Congrats on the new job! And sorry to hear the other one didn't work out. I hope this one goes much better! I always mean to buy that hummus when I'm at a TJ's, but I haven't yet. Must get some.

  5. Hummus and rice sounds like a good combination!
    Sorry that the other job doesn't work out, that is so sucky when people misrepresent things. Glad you are able to find something else.

  6. I love cool rainy days. I can't walk in them anymore with a baby. T_T But it makes me homesick when I lived and Philly and you couldn't just drive everywhere. So I feel you. One of my favorite things was walking by an older man holding an umbrella, standing in the rain. Then I noticed he was holding a leash, and the puppy on the other end was standing on the stoop not wanting to move into the rain. It was so cute.


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