Tuesday, May 4, 2021

No More Night Sugars!

 I've been feeling really down and blue for the past few weeks. I feel hopeless about a few things in my life, and that's the worse feeling, when you're just stuck. Because of that, I've noticed that at night I've been mindlessly eating way too much candy. I don't eat or drink anything sweet throughout the day, but before bed I like to have something sweet. Normally it's something small, but too many times in the last few weeks I've just shoved way too many gummies in my face. I guess I'm eating my feelings. 

I've decided for the month of May, no candy before bed. Only fruit if I'm dying for something sweet. Summer fruit should start rolling in pretty soon which will make it all so much easier. Nectarines forever!

I stocked up on bananas and some freeze dried fruit to hold me over until more fruit pops up. I'm not totally cutting sugar out of my diet, I won't give up my sweet coffee creamer, just cutting out the night time habit. I'm hoping after this month candy will taste too sweet. That's what happened with soda for me. I used to be a casual soda drinker, maybe a couple a week. I gave up that habit years ago, and now if I have a sip of soda it just tastes so sweet to me, like I'm drinking syrup. So, hopefully this month I can lose my taste for vegan gummies!

I tried the mango last night and WOW!!! I've never had freeze dried fruit, and the texture is crunchy but also light. And it's only fruit, no other ingredients. 

 This was my delicious dinner last night! it was so easy but tasted like takeout. It's just one of those Asian chopped salads, spring rolls and soy curls with a spicy hoisin glaze. I have a ton of jalapenos and Thai basil that I need to use, so I added both to the salad. Ten out of ten!


Don't judge my dusty ass laptop, but isn't Bubba's little foot the cutest? He was in serious cuddle mode and holding me down so I couldn't leave!


  1. Ooh, I'll have to try that freeze dried mango! I love the dried mango at Trader Joe's. Have you tried that? Also, your dinner looks delish.

  2. Adorable kitty foot!

    I know just what you mean. Soda tastes so sweet to me these days, too. I hope you feel better soon! I love a good cup of herbal tea at night with a mandarin orange, incidentally, while you're waiting for good summer fruits to arrive.

  3. Count me in on the freeze dried mango! That sounds delicious. That dinner, OMG! Those soy curls look incredible!

  4. Awww, Bubba. Is he helping you with your blogging?? Cutie pie.


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