Monday, November 13, 2017

Happy Monday!

Yesterday I got a new used couch! I think I had mentioned that when I first moved here I was given a couch that was already very used. My cats had a blast finishing the job. The couch was in the worst possible condition and it was rather depressing not to mention a huge eyesore! I got this couch at a thrift store called Savers which is the same as Value Village in Seattle, just like how Smith's here is Fred Meyer in Seattle. It made me so homesick for Seattle when I walked in because it was exactly like a Value Village inside. I got this lovely almost new chocolate brown couch for only twenty two dollars!! Thrifting is seriously the BEST! Don't worry, my girls are already working on giving it the cat scratch fever makeover!
I also got in some cooking. I did make vegan corn pudding and scalloped potatoes using a cauliflower cheese sauce for the base. They turned out AMAZING! And they didn't taste like cauliflower. I think that's a great way to make a guilt free holiday dish that tastes heavy but isn't!
I did write down what I did, the corn pudding tasted great but I think it needs to be a little thicker. I seriously took the world's worst photo so I doubt anyone will be dying to try this! I wanted to cook earlier so I could get some natural light shots, but time got away from me. A neighbor helped me with the couch so I was kind of on their schedule.

See what I mean? Casserole dishes are already hard to make look pretty, and then you add horrible lighting and it's a recipe for YIKES! But the meal was so tasty. I blended some tofu with a little canned coconut milk and a can of corn to make the creamed corn/egg part of the pudding. I think I just need to tinker and get it a little thicker. But lucky for me it tastes really good. And I do mean lucky because I will be having lots of leftover corn pudding!!
So if anyone remembers yesterday's photo Kanye was working to keep Afro off the heat vent. This is the aftermath. Kanye might be the smallest of the crew, but don't mess with her heat! Could she look any happier with herself?


  1. 20 bucks!? SCORE!!!! Nice thrift find! The dish looks good to me! I know I have to work on stepping up my game when it comes to picture taking again. I know of a spot but it couldn't be any farther away from the kitchen...sigh...and the lighting in our house is awful.

    1. I have nice light during the day but now that I work nights I eater way after dark and then the lighting is a mess!

    2. Yeah! I will be blogging tonight about something I made the other night and tried using a make-shift photo spot. I don't think it worked out too well! OYE!

  2. Love the new couch. What a great find! So glad you have some good thrift stores. We are lucky to have some good ones too including furniture ones. I'm afraid being British I have never heard of corn pudding. Is it sweet or savoury?

    1. I feel so lucky to have great thrift stores that I can get to.
      When I was researching what the heck corn pudding even was, I saw some sweet and also savory versions. I went with savory, but I never realized how sweet corn becomes when you bake it so it turned out kind of sweet and savory. I liked it but i don't know if I'm in a huge rush to make it again.
      I got your package! I have been so enjoying the tea, and the chocolate bar was the best! Thank you so much, and I will be emailing you in the next few days! Congratulations newlywed!

  3. The couch is a total score! What a rad thrift store find.

    1. I am so excited!I still can't believe I got it for twenty two dollars. It was so under my budget I was able to get a few other things!!

  4. Wow, what a great deal! Even thrift stores are expensive here in New York but that is a serious score! It's beautiful too. The corn pudding looks and sounds delicious and hooray for kitty pics!

    1. Thank you. I really love it, and it just makes such a difference. My living room looks like a living room now!

  5. Oh my goodness, KANYE! You cheeky little kitty!! She looks so pleased with herself as well.
    I just got back from Melbourne with my friend Molly, who is from Seattle, and we went into an op shop (Australian for thrift store) when we were there called Savers, which Molly said was exactly like Value Village in Seattle, even the font on signs was the same. Sounds like Savers has gone global! Anyway, it is nice to think that we both went to the same shop, even if they are a hemisphere apart. :)

  6. Yay for the new couch; it looks great & I'm sure the kitties are loving it! Kanye looks so very proud of herself, haha!


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